I've been invited by fellow Brit/comics creator Grant Springford to join a bunch of other British writers and artists in contributing to his new Abnormals anthology.

Springford and I share Grant Morrison's bizarre run on superhero/misfits Doom Patrol as one of our big influences--evident in The Abnormals--and the story I'll be working on will star The Ab's resident demon, Nasty--whom Springford describes as Howard the Duck meets Wolverine--a ferocious fighter with poisonous claws and the ability to vomit acid (nice) among his powers; and will take place in Springford's weird Subterranea, that exists beneath London.

Graham Pierce, creator of the acclaimed Sgt. Mike Battle, will be handling the art, and the story will be one of a bunch of strips spotlighting the team's members.
If you're not familiar with The Abnormals and would like to check them out, you can get in on the ground floor of their universe with The Abnormals Special--out now and available at the Abnormals website!

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