Marvel held a Press Conference earlier this week in which Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada and editors Tom Brevoort and Axel Alonso--with a special appearance from writer Matt Fraction holed up in a bunker ;)--talked about the Marvel Universe's next big event: Fear Itself.
You can check out the conference video here, as well as the Fear Itself trailer and Fraction's broadcast--both pulled from the half-hour-plus conference.
The conference event was designed just to light the touch paper for Fear Itself and understandably didn't give much away; the main thing I took away from it was just how many times they said 'Fear Itself;' there is no-one that watches that conference that will forget the name of the crossover; and in the spirit of that--and getting this blog high up in a Google search for Fear Itself--I'm gonna be slipping that name in as many times as I can here. ;)
So what did they give away in the Fear Itself Press Conference? Well, the crossover is going to tap into the anxieties felt in the current climate of the real world and is going to kick off with a Fear Itself Prologue one-shot in March, written by Ed Brubaker (Captain
The main Fear Itself event will be a 7-issue mini-series written by Matt Fraction (Invincible Iron Man) and illustrated by Stuart Immonen (New Avengers), crossing over into a number of books but, like Civil War, you'll be able to comfortably enjoy Fear Itself from the main mini-series alone.

It's been awhile now since Marvel did a big crossover--though, as they stated in the Fear Itself conference, after going straight from Civil War to Secret Invasion to Dark Reign to SIEGE, we did need a break before having another one. Having said that, and much as many people, including my favorite podcasters Mike Hoffert Jnr. and friends (check out their always entertaining It Came From the Longbox podcast), have been digging the current Marvel Heroic Age, personally I've felt it to be lacklustre, and I'm looking forward to Fear Itself.
Also, though obviously he won't be the big bad, I hope Norman Osborn will have a role to play in Fear Itself; with his Richard Nixon-like qualities, he seems a shoe-in and I really dug him in Dark Reign--my favorite of Marvel's most recent crossovers--and I was disappointed with SIEGE when we didn't get to see him turning batshit-crazy Green Goblin--instead the climax becoming all about The Sentry.
Maybe Fear Itself will rectify that.
What are your thoughts on this one? A No-Prize for whoever mentions Fear Itself legitimately most--not just writing Fear Itself Fear Itself Fear Itself--in your comments.
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