Having spent the last three months promoting my Cabra Cini: Voodoo Junkie Hitwoman's color debut in Digital Visions #4--which is still available to download free at the post below--it's time to show my other favorite merc some love in a don't say 'finger-lickin' family bucket-sized Preview!
If you've been following Wade's adventures in the Deadpool ongoing you'll know that he kicked alien bounty hunter Macho Gomez's ass, ditched the idea of trying to be a hero, and jetted off into space, taking Gomez's job as top banana intergalactic merc.
Well, after his space adventures wrap up, Deadpool's back on Earth in Deadpool #36, and so's Gomez--and this time he's brought friends. Deadpool's friends.One of these, I'd love to see brought back as a fixture. As some of you know, I'm gunning to work on Deadpool and have recently been developing my ideas--and those I've spoken to about this will know who I'm talking about--but right now I'm working on breaking that Merc-with-a-Mouth-shaped door down.
Which of Wade's buddies will feature in Gomez's 'kill Deadpool crew' has yet to be revealed, but all of those present have an axe to grind with Wade, and things seemingly don't go well because following this, Wade wants to die!... which, as any Deadpool fan will know, isn't an easy task because of his healing power... so he has to figure out a way...
"It has to be big. It has to be powerful beyond description. It has to be... green?..."
The Hulk also features in 3-part crossover event Identity Wars--running through the Amazing Spider-Man, Deadpool and Incredible Hulks annuals in April-June.Written By John Layman (Marvel Zombies/Army of Darkness, Chew) and illustrated by Lee Garbett (Judge Dredd, Batgirl), this sees Spidey, Hulk and Deadpool thrown into an alternate reality, facing--and switching places with--alternate versions of themselves, where Spidey is the world's most popular and powerful hero, The Hulk wields magic, and Wade is a super-sane criminal mastermind!
Talking about the event at Marvel.com, Layman said the Deadpool Annual is "bonkers chaos;" "the great fun to the Deadpool story is pitting cold, calculating, ruthless sanity against Deadpool’s trademark goofy madness."

Written by Christopher Hastings (the creator of webcomic Dr. McNinja) and illustrated by Merc with a Mouth's Bong Dazo, in 3-issue mini-series Fear Itself: Deadpool--coming in June--Deadpool decides the Marvel Universe being gripped by fear is a great way to make money--but when he's chosen as one of 'the worthy' and granted an enchanted hammer, fate may have other plans...
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