I've spent the last three months promoting Cabra Cini: Voodoo Junkie Hitwoman's color debut in Visionary Comics' Digital Visions #4, the free download introduction to Cabra, ahead of more stuff that'll be coming for her... It got great reviews, and you can find some of the quotes I pulled from them below.

“Cabra Cini makes her debut with a bang. This is a perfect set up story.” James Ferguson, HorrorTalk.com
“The pacing’s fast, the art is moving, the surprises many. I applaud Cabra Cini for breaking the limits that female characters can play in comics.” Wayne Hall, SciFi Pulse.
“Smart, effective, and highly entertaining. This is a rising talent in the comics industry.” Steven Leitman, Reading with a Flight Ring.
“This is a great intro. There is a ton of promise here for a dark and rich storyline.” Tommy Young, The Devil’s Demons.
“This is something new altogether. I give it my recommendation. Strongly. You can and SHOULD go read this book.” Michael Wearden, Mike’s Comic Blog.

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